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 The Author’s Introduction to the Book and Biography

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The Author’s Introduction to the Book and Biography Empty
PostSubject: The Author’s Introduction to the Book and Biography   The Author’s Introduction to the Book and Biography EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 4:40 pm


The Author’s Introduction to the Book

Praise is to Allah for his apparent and concealed bounties at all times, and peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad, his family and companions who strove steadfastly in the path of serving Allah’s religion, and their followers who inherited the knowledge — for the ‘Ulama are the heirs of the Prophets — and may they be honored, whether they be Waarith (those who inherit) or Mawrooth (those who are inherited from).

To proceed; this is a concise book comprising the Hadith evidence sources of the Sharia Rulings, which I have compiled meticulously, so that the one who memorizes it excels among his peers; it may assist the beginner student, and the learned one seeking more knowledge may find it indispensable.

I have indicated at the end of every Hadith the Imâm who collected it, in order to fulfill the trust to the (Muslim) Ummah. Therefore, As‑Sab‘a (the Seven) stands for Ahmad, Al‑Bukhâri, Muslim, Abu Dâ’ud, An‑Nasâ’i, At‑Tirmidhi and Ibn Mâjah. As‑Sitta (the Six) stands for the rest excluding Ahmad. Al‑Khamsa (the Five) stands for the rest except Al‑Bukhâri and Muslim, or I may say Al‑Arba‘a (the Four) and Ahmad. I mean by Al‑Arba‘a (the Four) all except the first three (i.e. Ahmad, Al‑Bukhâri and Muslim), and by Ath-Thalâtha (the Three) I mean all except the first three and the last one. I mean by Al‑Muttafaq ‘alaihi(the Agreed upon) Al‑Bukhâri and Muslim, and I might not mention with them anyone else; and whatever is besides these (seven collectors) is clear [i.e. clearly mentioned by name].

I have named it (this book) Bulûgh Al‑Marâm min Adillat Al‑Ahkâm (Attainment of the Objective according to Evidence of the Ordinances); and I pray to Allah not to render, what we have learned, a calamity against us; but may He guide us to act according to what pleases Him ‑ the Glorified and Exalted One.


The Author's Biography

The full name of the famous Imam Al‑Hâfiz Ibn Hajar Al‑‘Asqalâni is Abul‑Fadl, Shihâbuddin Ahmad bin ‘Ali bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al‑Kinâni Ash-Shâfi‘i. Ibn Hajar Al‑‘Asqalâni was born on the 10th of Sha‘bân, 773 H. in Egypt, where he also grew up. He memorized the Qur’ân at the age of nine. He also memorized Al‑Hâwi, the book Mukhtasar of Ibn Al‑Hajib, and other books. He traveled to Makka and listened to the teaching of its ‘Ulama. He admired the knowledge of Hadith and began to acquire it from the great Sheikhs in Hijâz, Ash-Shâm, Egypt and stayed with Az‑Zain Al‑‘Irâqi for ten years. He also studied under Al‑Balqeeni, Ibn Al‑Mulaqqin and others. Many eminent Sheikhs of his time approved his knowledge and allowed him to give religious verdicts and teach.

He had learned the two sources (Qur’ân and Hadith) from Al‑‘Izz bin Jamâ‘a, al-Lughah (the language) and al-‘Arabiyyah (Arabic) from Al‑Majd Al‑Fairooz Aabâdi and Al‑‘Amâri, literature and poetry from Al‑Badr Al‑Mushtaki and writing from a group (of teachers). He also recited some parts of the Qur’ân in all the seven styles of recitation before At‑Tanookhee.

He occupied himself with the promotion of the knowledge of Hadith, so he dwelt in its study, teaching, writing and giving Fatawa (religious verdicts). He also taught Tafsîr (interpretation of the Qur’ân), Hadith, Fiqh (jurisprudence) and preached at many places like Al‑Azhar, Jâmi‘ ‘Amr and others. He also dictated to his students from his memory. Many highly educated people and distinguished scholars traveled to him to acquire from his vast knowledge.

Ibn Hajar Al‑‘Asqalâni authored more than 150 books — most of them being in the studies of Hadith — which flourished during his lifetime, and the kings and princes exchanged them as gifts. His book most worthy of mentioning is Fath Al‑Bâri— the commentary of Sahih Al‑Bukhâri,which he started in the beginning of 817 H., after finishing its introductory part in 813H., and completed the whole commentary in Rajab 842 H. After the completion of the commentary, he had a gathering attended by the Muslim dignitaries and spent 500 Dinar on it. Then some kings requested it and paid 300 Dinar.

Ibn Hajar became the Qâdi of Egypt, and then Ash-Shâm was also added to his jurisdiction which he held for more than twenty-one years. He was against holding the office of the Qâdi at first, until the Sultan assigned to him a special case. Then, he accepted to substitute for Al‑Balqeeni, when he begged him very much to preside for him as Qâdi. Then, he substituted for others until he was assigned to hold the office of Chief Qâdi on 12 Muharram, 827 H. He then left, but had to return to the office of the Chief Qâdi seven times until he left it finally in 852 H. which is the year in which he died.

As concerns his personality, Al‑‘Asqalâni was humble, tolerant, patient and enduring. He was also described as being steadfast, prudent, ascetic, selfless, generous, charitable and a person praying and fasting voluntarily. On the other hand, he was said to be used to making light jokes and telling of humorous rare stories. He also had good manners in dealing with all the Imams, of the earlier generations and later generations, and with all those who sat with him, whether old or young.

Ibn Hajar died after the ‘Ishâ prayer on Saturday, 8th Dhul-Hijja, 852 H. May Allah reward him generously.


Source: A b d u r r a h m a
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