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 Chapter 13 - Consulation

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Bookroom Assistant
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Chapter 13 - Consulation Empty
PostSubject: Chapter 13 - Consulation   Chapter 13 - Consulation EmptyThu Mar 07, 2024 8:56 pm

128. Someone who is consulted is in a position of trust

Hadith 256

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , asked Abu'l-Haytham,

"Do you have a servant?" "No," he replied.

He Sallalahu aleihi wa said, "Come to us when we get some captives."

The Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , was brought only two captives. Abu'l-Haytham came to him and the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Choose between them."

"Choose for me, Messenger of Allah," he replied.

The Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"The person who is consulted is in a position of trust. Take this one. I have seen him pray. Treat him well."

Abu'l-Haytham's wife said, "You will not live up to the words of the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , about him until you set him free." "He is free," he
stated. The Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Allah did not sent Prophet or Khalif but that he has two confidants: a confidant who commands him to do what is correct and forbids what is
bad, and a confidant who will not fall short in corrupting you. Anyone who is protected from the evil confidant has been protected."


129. Consultation

Hadith 257

'Amir ibn Dinar said, "Ibn 'Abbas radiyallahu anhu recited (this ayat), 'Consult with them about the matter.' (3:159)"

Hadith 258

Al-Hasan radiyallahu anhu said, "People never seek advice without being guided to the best possibility available to them." Then he radiyallahu anhu recited, "and manage their affairs by mutual consultation." (42:38)


130. The wrong action of someone who gives his brother misguided advice

Hadith 259

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Anyone who attributes words to me which I did not say should take his seat in the Fire. Anyone who gives his Muslim brother misguided advice when he consults has betrayed him. If anyone gives a fatwa which is not firm, the wrong action of that rests on the one who gave the fatwa."

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