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 Chapter 11 - Good Conduct

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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptySat Jan 13, 2024 5:33 pm

114. The people of Good Conduct in this world are the people of Good Conduct
in the Next World

Hadith 221

Qabisa ibn Burma al-Asadi  radiyallahu anhu  said, "I was with the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , and I heard him say,

'The people of goodness in this world are the people of goodness in the Next World. The people of the evil in this world are the people of the evil in the Next World."

The explanation of this Hadith is Here
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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptyMon Jan 15, 2024 9:35 am

Hadith 222

Harmala ibn 'Abdullah radiyallahu anhu  went to the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , and stayed with him until the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , until the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , recognized him. He said, "When we set out, I told myself, 'By Allah, I will go to the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , so that I will have more knowledge.
I went in the evening until I was in front of him. I asked, 'What do you command me to do?' He Sallalahu aleihi wa replied,

'Harmala, do what is good and avoid the evil.'

Then I went back to the caravan. Then I came back again until I was in my place near him. I asked, 'Messenger of Allah, what do you command me to do?' He  Sallalahu aleihi wa replied,

'Harmala, do what is good and avoid the evil. Find out what you like to hear people tell you when you are with them. When you leave me, behave in that manner. Find out what you dislike for people to say to you. When you leave me, avoid that.'

When I returned, I thought that these two statements did not omit anything."

Hadith 223

Salman radiyallahu anhu  said, "The people of goodness in this world are the people of goodness in the Next World."

Abu 'Uthman radiyallahu anhu  said that the Messenger of Allah,  radiyallahu anhu , said words to that effect.


115. Every good deed is an act of Sadaqa

Hadith 224

Jabir ibn 'Abdullah  radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"Every goodness is sadaqah."

Hadith 225

Abu Musa radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Every Muslim must give sadaqah."

They said, "And if he does not find anything (to give)?"

He Sallalahu aleihi wa  replied, "Then he should work his hands, benefit himself and then give sadaqah."

They asked, "And if he is unable to or does not do it?"

He Sallalahu aleihi wa  replied, "Then he should help someone with a great need."

They said, "And if he does not do it?"

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa replied, "Then he should command the good or command the correct."

They said, "And if he does not do that?"

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa said, "He should refrain from evil. That is sadaqah for him

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Bookroom Assistant
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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptyWed Jan 17, 2024 10:57 am

Hadith 226

Same as 220

Hadith 227

Abu Dharr radiyallahu anhu reported that it was said, "Messenger of Allah, the wealthy people have taken all the rewards. They pray as we pray. They fast as we fast, but they give sadaqa from their excess wealth."

He Sallalahu aleihi wa said, "Has Allah not given you something to give as sadaqa? Every time you praise or glorify Allah, that is sadaqa. There is sadaqa is sexual intercourse." He was asked, "Is there sadaqa in satisfying one's appetite?" He replied, "If he does it in a haram manner, is that not a wrong action? Similarly if he does it in a halal manner, he receives a reward."

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Bookroom Assistant
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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptyMon Jan 22, 2024 8:52 pm

116. Removing harmful things

Hadith 228

Abu Barza al-Aslami  radiyallahu anhu  said, "I said, 'Messenger of Allah, show me an action by which I will enter the Garden!"

He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said, 'Remove harmful things from people's path.'"

Hadith 229

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"A man came across a thorn in the road and said, 'I will remove this thorn so that it does not harm a Muslim man.' For that reason he was forgiven."

Hadith 230

Abu Dharr radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"I was shown the actions of my Community both good and evil and I found that one of their good actions is removing harmful things from the road, I found that one of the evil actions was spit in the mosque which is not buried."

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Bookroom Assistant
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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptyWed Jan 31, 2024 10:55 am

117.Saying What is Good

Hadith 231

'Abdullah ibn al-Khatami  radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"Every act of kindness is sadaqa."

Hadith 232

Anas radiyallahu anhu  said, "When the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , was given something, he used to say,

'Take it to so-and-so. She was a friend of Khadija's. Take it to the house of so-and-so. She loved Khadija."

Hadith 233

Same as 231, but from Hudhayfa.


118. Going out to a vegetable garden and carrying things in a sack on one's shoulder
to one's family

Hadith 234

234. 'Amr ibn Qurra al-Kindi said, "My father offered his sister in marriage to Salman  radiyallahu anhu . He refused and then married a mawla of his called Buqayra. Abu Qurra heard that there were bad feelings between Hudhayfa and Salman  radiyallah anha . He went to talk to him (Salman) about this. He was told that he was in a vegetable garden which belonged to him and went and met him there. Salman had a sack of vegetables. He put his stick in the knot of the sack and put it on his shoulder. Abu Qurra asked, 'Abu 'Abdullah, what is the trouble between you and Hudhayfa?' Salman replied, 'Man is prone to be impetuous.' (17:11)

"They went to Salman's house. Salman went into his house and said, 'Peace be upon you.' Then he gave Abu Qurra permission to enter and he came in. There was a fibre mat placed over the doorway and there were some bricks by his head and a saddle. He said, 'Sit on the rug of your mawla which she has put out for herself.' Then he began to speak to him. He said, 'Hudhayfa has related certain things which the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said in anger to some people. I began to be questioned about them and I said, "Hudhayfa knows best what he says, but I dislike for there to be rancour between people." Hudhayfa  radiyallahu anhu  was brought and it was said to him, "Salman neither confirms nor denies what you say."'

"Salman radiyallahu anhu  said, 'Hudhayfa came to me and said, "Salman, son of Salman's mother!" I said, "Hudhayfa, son of Hudhayfa's mother! You must stop this or I will write to 'Umar about you!" After I had alarmed him by speaking of 'Umar, he left me. The Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"I am one of the children of Adam. Whatever salve of my community I curse or abuse when he does not deserve it, Make that a prayer a blessing for him."'"

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Bookroom Assistant
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Chapter 11 - Good Conduct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 11 - Good Conduct   Chapter 11 - Good Conduct EmptyWed Jan 31, 2024 10:43 pm

Hadith 235

Ibn 'Abbas radiyallahu anhu  said, " 'Umar  radiyallahu anhu said, 'Let us go forth to the land of our people.' Ubayy ibn Ka'b  radiyallahu anhu  and I were at the back of the people. A cloud gathered. Ubayy radiyallahu anhu  said, 'O Allah, remove its harm from us!' We met the people and their mounts were wet. They said, 'What fell on us did not fall on you!' I said, 'He asked Allah Almighty to remove its harm from us.' 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  said, 'Why didn't you include us in your supplication?'"


119. Going out to an estate

Hadith 236

Abu Salama said, "We went to Abu Sa'id al-Khudri with a friend. I said, 'Will you go with us to the date palms?' He went out wearing a black-bordered cloak of his."

Hadith 237

Umm Musa radiyallahu anhu  said, "I heard 'Ali say that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  commanded 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiyallahu anhu  to climb a tree and bring him something from it. His Companions looked at 'Abdullah's thigh and laughed at its thinness. The Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said, 'Why are you laughing? 'Abdullah's foot is heavier in the balance than the mountain of Uhud.'"

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