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 Chapter 9 - Being a master

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PostSubject: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyMon Nov 06, 2023 11:36 am

82. Being a good master

Hadith 156 is explained in the previous section Episode No 53

Hadith 156

'Ali ibn Talib  radiyallahu anhu  reported that when the illness of the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa deepened, he  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"'Ali! Bring me a page on which I can write something for my community after which they will not go astray."

'Ali  radiyallahu anhu said, "I feared that he would die before I could do that, so I said, 'I will remember better than the paper.' His head was between my forearm and my leg. He recommended the prayer, zakat and kind treatment of slaves. he spoke like that until he died." He  Sallalahu aleihi wa commanded him to testify,

"There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Anyone who testifies to that is saved from the Fire."

Hadith 157

'Abdullah radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said, "Respond to invitations. Do not reject gifts. Do not beat Muslims."

Hadith 158

'Ali  radiyallahu anhu reported that the last words of the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  were:

"The prayer! The prayer! Fear Allah concerning your slaves!"

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyMon Nov 06, 2023 8:11 pm

83. Being a bad owner

Hadith 159

Abu'd-Darda' radiyallahu anhu  used to say to people. "We know you better than the veterinarian knows his animals. We recognise the best of you from the worst of you. The best of you is the one whose good is hoped for and the one whose evil you are safe from. As for the worst of you, that is the person whose good is not hoped for and whose evil you are not safe from and he does not free slaves after they purchase their freedom."

Hadith 160

Abu Umama said, "Ingratitude is typified by someone who refuses to give, lives alone, and beats his slave."

Hadith 161

Al-Hasan  radiyallahu anhu reported that a man ordered one of his slaves to draw water using one of his camels and the man fell asleep. The master came with a torch and put it in his face and the slave fell into the well. In the morning, the slave went to 'Umar ibn al-Khattab  radiyallahu anhu  and 'Umar  radiyallahu anhu saw what had happened to his slave and therefore 'Umar  radiyallahu anhu set him free."

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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyTue Nov 07, 2023 8:12 am

84. Selling a slave among the Bedouins

Hadith 162

'Amra reported that 'A'isha  radiyallah anha  had made one of her slavegirls a mudabbar (one who would be set free after her death). Then 'A'isha  radiyallah anha became ill and her nephews consulted a gypsy doctor. He said, "You are asking me for information about a bewitched woman. A slavegirl of hers has bewitched her." 'A'isha  radiyallah anha was told and asked the girl, "Have you put a spell on me?" "Yes," she replied. "Why?' she
asked. "Because you will never free me," she answered. Then 'A'isha  radiyallah anha said, "Sell her to the worst masters among the Arabs."


85. Forgiving a slave

Hadith 163

Abu Umama  radiyallahu anhu  said, "The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , came with two slaves and gave one of them to 'Ali  radiyallahu anhu and said,

'Do not beat him. I have forbidden beating the people of the prayer and I saw him praying before we came.'

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa gave Abu Dharr  radiyallahu anhu  a slave and said,

"I recommend that you treat him well,' so Abu Dharr set him free.

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa said, 'What have you done?'

He radiyallahu anhu  replied, 'You commanded me to treat him well, so I set him free.'"

Hadith 164

Anas  radiyallahu anhu said, "The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , came to Madina without any servant. Abu Talha took my hand and brought me to the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  and said, 'Prophet of Allah!' This is Anas, a clever and intelligent boy. Let him serve him.'" Anas  radiyallahu anhu  said, "I served him when he was at home and on journeys from the time he came to Madina until he died,  Sallalahu aleihi wa . He  Sallalahu aleihi wa  never said to me about anything I had done,
'Why did you do this?' nor did he say to me about something I had not done, 'Why did you not do such-and-such?'"


86. When a slave steals

Hadith 165

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"When a slave steals, sell him, even for a half an awqiya."


87. A slave who commits wrong actions

Hadith 166

Laqit ibn Sabira reported that his father  radiyallahu anhu said, "I went to the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa when a shepherd had driven a lamb into the evening pasture. The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

'Do not suppose that we have a hundred sheep and do not want to give you more than only a lamb. When the shepherd brought the lamb, we sacrificed a sheep in its place.'"

Laqit said, "Part of what he Sallalahu aleihi wa  said is,

'Do not beat your wife as you would beat your slavegirl. When you wash your nose, snuff up water freely unless you are fasting.'"

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyTue Nov 14, 2023 10:01 am

88. Someone who finishes something for his slave, fearing people's bad opinion

Hadith 167

Abu'l-'Aliyya said, "We were ordered to finish off things for the servant and to measure and count because we did not want to allow them to accustom themselves to bad habits nor for anyone to think evil of us."


89. Someone who counts things for his slave fearing people's opinion

Hadith 168

Salman said, "I count the soup bones for my slave, fearing people's opinion."

Hadith 169

Same as 168.


90. Disciplining the servant

Hadith 170

Yazid ibn 'Abdullah said, "'Abdullah ibn 'Umar  radiyallahu anhu sent a slave of his with some gold or silver - and he changed it and deferred the exchange (i.e. he changed gold into silver or vice versa and did not take the money straightaway. This is Haram.) Then he went back to Ibn 'Umar who gave him a painful beating. He radiyallahu anhu  said, 'Go and take what is mine and do not exchange it!'"

Dr Muhammad Salah did not explain these Ahadith as some are Weak and Irrelevant.
We can ask for an explanation if we wish in the Live Broadcast during the QA
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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyTue Nov 14, 2023 10:12 am

Hadith 171

Abu Mas'ud  radiyallahu anhu  said, "I was beating a slave of mine when I heard a voice behind me,

'Know, Abu Mas'ud, that Allah is able to call you to account for this slave.'

I turned around and there was the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  

I  said, 'Messenger of Allah, he is free for the sake of Allah!'

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa said, 'If you had not done that, the Fire would have touched you (or the Fire would have burned you).'"


91. Do not say, "May Allah make your face ugly"

Hadith 172

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Do not say, 'May Allah make your face ugly.'"

Hadith 173

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu  said, "Do not say, 'May Allah make your face ugly and any face like your face.' Allah Almighty created Adam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in the form that He ordained."

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyMon Nov 20, 2023 10:58 pm

92. Avoid striking the face

Hadith 174

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"When one of you strikes his servant, let him avoid his face."

Hadith 175

Jabir  radiyallahu anhu said, "The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , passed by an animal which had been branded and its nostrils were smoking. The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa, said,

'Allah curses any person who does this. No one should mark the face nor strike it.'"


93. Someone who slaps his slave should free him even though he is under no
obligation to do so

Hadith 176

Hilal ibn Yasaf said, "We used to sell linen in the house of Suwayd ibn Muqarrin. A slavegirl came out and said something to one of the men and that man slapped her. Suwayd ibn Muqarrin asked him, 'Did you slap her face? We were seven and we only had a single servant. Then one of us slapped
her and the  Sallalahu aleihi wa , ordered him to set her free.'"

Hadith 177

Ibn 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  said, "I heard the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , say,

'The expiation for someone who slaps his slave or beats him more than he deserves is to set him free.'"

Hadith 178

Mu'awiya ibn Muqarrin said, "I slapped a mawla of mine and he fled. Then my father called me and said, 'I will tell you a story. We, the sons of Muqarrin, were seven, and we had one servant. Then one of us slapped her and that was mentioned to the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

'Order them to set her free.'

The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , was told. 'She is the only servant they have.' He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

'Then let them hire her and when they no longer need her, let her go on her way.'"

Hadith 179

Shu'ba said, "Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said to me, 'What is your name?' I replied, 'Shu'ba.' He said, 'Abu Shu'ba related to me that when Suwayd ibn Muqarrin al-Muzani saw a man strike his slave, he said. 'Do you not know that the face is forbidden? In the time of the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , we were seven brothers and we only had one servant. Then one of us slapped him (sic.) and the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  commanded that we set him free.'"

Hadith 180

Abu 'Umar Zadhan said, "We were with Ibn 'Umar  radiyallahu anhu  when he summoned a slave of his whom he had beaten and he uncovered his back. 'Does it hurt?' he asked. 'No,' he replied. Then he set him free. He picked up a stick from the ground and then said, 'I do not have a reward (for him) worth as much as this stick.' I asked, 'Abu 'Abdu'r-Rahman, why do you say this?' He replied, 'I heard the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa , say,

"The expiation of someone who beats a slave more than he deserves or slaps his face is that he must set him free."'"


94. The qisas (retaliation) of the slave

Hadith 181

'Ammar ibn Yasir  radiyallahu anhu said, "None of you beats his slave unjustly without the slave receiving retaliation from him on the Day of Rising."

Hadith 182

Abu Layla said, "Salman went out and when his animal fodder fell from the manger, he told his servant, 'If it were not that I fear retaliation, I would make you hurt (i.e. by beating you)."

Hadith 183

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"Give people their rights. Even the hornless sheep will take retaliation from the horned sheep."

Hadith 184

Umm Salama  radiyallah anha  reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  was in his house and called for a slave of his (or hers) and she was slow in coming. The anger showed in his face. Umm Salama  radiyallah anha  went to the curtain and found the slavegirl playing. He  Sallalahu aleihi wa had a siwak-stick with him and said,

'"Were it not that I fear retaliation on the Day of Rising with this siwak."

Muhammad ibn al-Haytham added: She was playing with an animal. He said, "When the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , brought her, Umm Salama radiyallah anha  said, 'Messenger of Allah! Let her swear that she did not hear you!' She said, 'He had a siwak stick in his hand.'"

Hadith 185

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"On the Day of Rising, retaliation will be taken from anyone who gives a beating."

Hadith 186

Same as 185.

Dr Muhammad Salah did not explain these Ahadith as some are Weak and Irrelevant.
We can ask for an explanation if we wish in the Live Broadcast during the QA
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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyTue Nov 21, 2023 9:04 am

95. "Clothe them from the clothes you yourself wear."

Hadith 187

'Ubada ibn al-Walid said, "My father and I went out to seek knowledge from the Ansar in this area before they died. The first one we met was Abu'l-Yasar, the Companion of the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , who had been with one of his salves. Abu'l-Yasar was wearing one striped robe and one mu'afiri robe and his slave was also wearing one striped robe and one mu'afiri robe. I said to him, 'Uncle! Why don't you take your slave's striped robe and give him your mu'afiri robe, or take his mu'afiri robe and give him your striped robe? Then he would have a complete outfit and you would have a complete outfit.' He wiped his head and said, 'O Allah, bless him in it! Nephew, these two eyes of mine have seen and these two ears of mine have heard and my heart has retained,' and he pointed towards his heart, 'that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"Feed them from what you yourself eat and clothe them from the clothes you yourself wear."

It is easier for me to give him the goods of this world than to have my good actions taken away from me on the Day of Rising.'"

Hadith 188

Jabir ibn 'Abdullah  radiyallahu anhu said, "The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , advised that slaves should be well-treated. He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

'Feed them from what you eat and clothe them from what you wear. Do not harm what Allah has created.'"

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyThu Nov 23, 2023 1:40 pm

96. Insulting slaves

Hadith 189

Al-Ma'rur ibn Suwayd said, "I saw Abu Dharr  radiyallahu anhu wearing a robe and his slave was also wearing a robe. We asked him about that and he said, 'I insulted a man and he complained about me to the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , and the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said to me,

'Did you insult him by his mother?' 'Yes,' I replied. He   Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

'Your brothers are your property. Allah has put them under your authority. If someone has his brother under his authority, he should feed him from what he eats and clothe him from what he wears and not burden him with anything that will be too much for him. If you burden him with what will be too much for him, then help him.'"


97. Should a person help his slave?

Hadith 190

Sallam ibn 'Amr reported from one of the Companions of the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

"Your slaves are your brothers, so treat him well. Ask for their help in what is too much for you and help them in what is too much for them."

Hadith 191

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu  said, 'Help the worker in his work. The one who works for Allah will not be disappointed," i.e. the servant.


98. Do not burden a slave with work which he is incapable of doing

Hadith 192

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"The slave has his food and clothing. Do not burden a slave with work which he is incapable of doing."

Hadith 193

Same as 192.

Hadith 194

Ma'rur said, "We passed by Abu Dharr  radiyallahu anhu  and he was wearing a garment and his slave had a robe on.

We said, 'Why do you not take this and give this man something else instead of the robe?'

He replied that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

'Allah has put your brothers under your authority. If someone has his brother under his authority, he should feed him from what he eats and clothe him from what he wears and not burden him with what will be too much for him. If he burdens him with what will be too much for him, he should help him.'"


99. A man's maintenance of his slave and servant is Sadaqa

Hadith 195

Al-Miqdam radiyallahu anhu  heard the Prophet, Sallalahu aleihi wa  say,

"What you feed yourself is sadaqa. What you feed your child, your wife and your servant is sadaqa."

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyThu Nov 30, 2023 7:14 pm

Hadith 196

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"The best sadaqa is that which leaves you free of want. The upper hand is better than the lower hand. Begin with those you look after.

Your wife says, 'Spend on me or divorce me.' Your slave says, 'Spend on me or sell me.' Your child asks, 'On whom can we rely?'"

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyTue Dec 05, 2023 8:55 am

Hadith 197

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu said, "The Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  commanded sadaqa.

A man said, 'I have a dinar.' He  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

'Spend it on yourself.'

He said, 'I have another.' He  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

'Spend it on your wife.'

He said, 'I have another.' He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

'Spend it on your servant and then on whomever you see fit.'"


100.When someone dislikes eating with his slave

Hadith 198

Ibn Jurayj related that Abu'z-Zubayr heard him ask Jabir  radiyallahu anhu  about when a man's servant has finished his work and heat (i.e. cooking). Did the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , command that the servant be invited to eat? "Yes," he replied. If one of you dislikes to have his servant eat with him, he should give him his food by his own hand.'"


101. A slave should eat from what his master eats

Hadith 199

Jabir ibn 'Abdullah  radiyallahu anhu said, "The Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  advised that slaves be well treated. He said, 'Feed them from what you eat and clothe them from what you wear and do not punish Allah's creation.'"

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Chapter 9 - Being a master Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyWed Dec 13, 2023 5:34 pm

102. Does a man's servant sit with him when he eats?

Hadith 200

Abu Hurayra  Sallalahu aleihi wa reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

"When one of your servants brings you food, he should sit with him. If you do not accept that, then you should give it to him.'"

Hadith 201

Abu Mahdhura said, "I was sitting with 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  when Safwan ibn Umayya brought him a bowl which some people were carrying in a robe. They set it down in front of 'Umar. 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  then invited some poor people and some slaves belonging to the people around him and they ate with him. Then he  radiyallahu anhu said,

'Allah will punish a people or else he said, 'Allah will curse a people' who dislike having their slaves eat with them.'

Safwan said, 'By Allah, we do not dislike them, but we prefer ourselves to them, and by Allah, we do not find good food which we can eat and feed it to them as well.'"


103.When a slave advises his master

Hadith 202

'Abdullah ibn 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"When the slave advises his master and is assiduous in the worship of his Lord, he receives a double reward."

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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyWed Dec 20, 2023 9:26 am

Hadith 203

Salih ibn Hayy reported that a man said to 'Amir ash-Shu'bi, "Abu 'Amr! We say that when a man frees his umm walad and then marries her, he is like the one who rides his camel." 'Amir said, "Abu Burda  radiyallahu anhu related to me from his father that the Messenger of Allah, Sallalahu aleihi wa
said to them:

'Three have a double reward: one of the People of the Book who believes in his Prophet and then believes in Muhammad has two rewards. When a slave carries out the due of Allah and the due of his master, he has a double reward. And (the third is) a man who has a slave girl with whom he has intercourse and teaches her well and instructs her well and then sets her free and marries
her. He has two rewards.'"

'Amir said, "I have informed you this for free, while people used to travel to Madinah to acquire lesser information."

Hadith 204

Abu Musa  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"The slave who is excellent in the worship of his Lord and fulfills the duties of obedience and counsel which he owes to his master, has two rewards."

Hadith 205

Abu Burda  radiyallahu anhu reported from his father that the Messenger of Allah,  : Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"The slave has two rewards when he carries out Allah's due in worship (or he said that he is excellent in his worship) and the right of his owner who owns him."


104. The slave is a guardian

Hadith 206

Ibn 'Umar radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa , said,

"All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. The amir of a people is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of the people of his house and he is responsible for his flock. A man's slave is the shepherd of his master's property and he is responsible for it. Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock."

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PostSubject: Re: Chapter 9 - Being a master   Chapter 9 - Being a master EmptyMon Dec 25, 2023 10:53 am

Hadith 207

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu  said, "When a slave obeys his master, he has obeyed Allah Almighty. When he rebels against his master, he rebels against Allah Almighty."


105. The person who wished he were a slave

Hadith 208

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Messenger of Allah,  Sallalahu aleihi wa said,

"When the Muslim slave performs the due of Allah and the due of his master, he will have two rewards."

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu  said, "By the One who has the soul of Abu Hurayra in His hand! If it had not been for jihad in the Way of Allah, the hajj, and dutifulness to my mother, I would wish to die a slave!"


106. Do not say "'abdî" (my slave)

Hadith 209

Abu Hurayra  radiyallahu anhu reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

"None of you should say, 'My slave ('abdi)' or 'my slavegirl (amati)' All of you are slaves of Allah and all of your women are slaves of Allah. Rather you should say, 'My boy (ghulami)', my slavegirl (jariyyati)', 'my lad (fatayi)' or 'my girl (fatati).'"


107. Does one say "my master (sayyidi)"?

Hadith 210

Abu Hurayra radiyallahu anhu  reported that the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa  said,

"None of you should say 'my slave ('abdi or amati)' and a slave should not say, 'my lord (rabbi or rabbati)'. They should say, 'my boy' or 'my girl' (fatayi and fatati) and 'my master' or 'mistress' (sayyidi and sayyidati)'. All of you are slaves, and the Lord is Allah, Almighty and Exalted."

Hadith 211

Mutarrif reported that his father said, "I went in the delegation of the Banu 'Amir to the Prophet,  Sallalahu aleihi wa . They said, 'You are our master.'

He Sallalahu aleihi wa  said, 'The Master is Allah.'

They said, 'The best of us in excellence and the greatest of us in generosity.'

He  Sallalahu aleihi wa said, 'Say what you like, but do not let Shaytan provoke you.'"

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