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 5 point knowledge of Qur'an

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Bookroom Assistant

5 point knowledge of Qur'an  Empty
PostSubject: 5 point knowledge of Qur'an    5 point knowledge of Qur'an  EmptyTue Jan 25, 2022 3:43 pm

📚5 point knowledge of Qur'an 📖

Keep it in your timeline 🥺🤍

5 Surahs that start with Alhamdulillah,

1: al Fatiha
2: a Al An'am
3: Al Kahf
4: Saba
5: Fatir

All are Makki

5 Surahs that end with Alhamdulillah
1: Al Isra'a
2: An Naml
3: As Saaffaat
4: Az Zumer
5: Al Jathiya

All are Makki.

5 surah that begin with alif laam ra

1: Yunus
2: Hud
3: Yusuf
4: Ibraheem
5: Hijr
All are Makki

5 surahs that begin with call (نداء)

1: An Nisa'a
2: Al Maida
3: Al Hajj
4: Al Hujurat
5: Al Mumtahinah
All are Madani

5 surahs which begin with call to RasulluAllah SallAllahu aliyhi wasallam

1: Al Muzammil
2: Al Muddaththir
3: Al Ihzab
4: At Talaq
5: At Tahreem

5 Surahs that begin with SubhanAllah

1: Al Hadeed
2: Al Hashr
3: As Saff
4: Al Jum'ah
5: At Taghabun
All are Madani

5 Surahs that begin with comnand(قل)

1: Al Jinn
2: Al Kafirun
3: Al Ikhlas
4: Al Falaq
5: An Nas
All are Makki

5 Surahs that contain prophet's name

1: Al Imran
2: Al Ihzab
3: Mohammad
4: Al Fat'h
(His name Mohammad)
5: As Saff ( his name Ahmed)
All are Madani

5 Surahs that start with a question

1: Al Insan
2: Al Ghashiyah
3: Ash Sharh
4: Al Feel
5: Al Ma' un
All are Makki

5 rights of the Qur'an

1: read it correctly
2: understand it
3: believe in it
4: practice it
5: preach it


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