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 Divorce on the Rise: Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid

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Divorce on the Rise: Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid  Empty
PostSubject: Divorce on the Rise: Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid    Divorce on the Rise: Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid  EmptySun Apr 06, 2014 10:54 am

As Salamu Alaikum 

Divorce on the Rise:

Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid

Divorce is on the Rise in the Muslim countries, some countries the divorce rates are higher than in Non-Muslim countries.  Why????

The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

Satan erects his throne on water and sends his emissaries among the people. The closest person to him is the person who causes the most Fitnah. One of them (a devil) would come to him and would say, `I kept inciting so-and-so, until he said such and such words.' Iblis says, `No, by Allah, you have not done much.' Another devil would come to him and would say, `I kept inciting so-and-so, until I separated between him and his wife.' Satan would draw him closer and embrace him, saying, `Yes, you did well.'

Watch this interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid.

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Divorce on the Rise: Huda TV Interview with Imam Karim Abu Zaid
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