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 Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights

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Location : The Wonderful Art Garden

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights Empty
PostSubject: Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights   Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights EmptyThu Nov 10, 2011 8:41 pm

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights Islamg_20

Don't forget to click on the Full Reading link to read the Jumu’ah Khutbah
We selected for this week.

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights Jum009

Yawm Al-Jumu’ah starts from Maghrib (sunset) on Thursday till the end of Asr on Friday.

Audio Recitation by: Sheikh Salah Bukhatir

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights Blueradio

Click on the radio to listen to the recitation.

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The Disease of Late Nights Animba13

This week’s Khutbah Selection

The Disease of Late Nights

By Salaah Al-Budayr

1) The Great favour of Allaah of the days and nights.
2) How nights were spent by the early Muslims compared to those in present times.
3) The problem of late nights during the summer vacation.
4) The harms and evil consequences of late nights.
5) An example of a night in the house of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
6) The warnings of the Salaf against entertainment and late nights.
7) The virtues of the hours preceding dawn.
8) The spread of the devils from among Jinn and mankind at sunset.
9) The sins committed during weddings.

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