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 13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce

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13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce Empty
PostSubject: 13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce   13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce EmptyMon Feb 08, 2010 10:56 pm

13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce 726503

13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce 196698

Heavenly Union: A One Day
Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce with...... Shaykh Zia
Ullah Khan

Date: Saturday 13 February 2010

13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce Spacer

Saturday 13th Feb 2010 | 10am - 6pm

Masons Lecture Theatre,
Queen Mary University
Mile End Road, London E1

A One Day
Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce with..... Shaykh Zia
Ullah Khan

Marriage enriches the soul and enlightens life with
mercy, love and serenity. It is the meeting of two souls in a HEAVENLY
UNION. If you are single this intensive will provide you with
comprehensive knowledge and motivation to fulfil half of your faith.

you are newly wed, this course will inspire and guide you to the
Prophetic way of building that HEAVENLY UNION; still, if you have been
married for a while, this event will enhance your ability to rekindle
love, mercy and tranquillity through divine help and support.

today £15 | Course material and lunch provided.

07957 410
07507 858 030(Sisters) or book online:

Please visit our source for more UK events.
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13 Feb. 10 - UK London (Mile End): Heavenly Union: A One Day Intensive on the Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce
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